Signature style: Seasonal, romantic and whimsical. Our hand-tied bouquet, designed in our Signature style - seasonal, romantic, and whimsical
Our Signature Bouquet features blooms such as: Roses, Lisianthus, Stock, Snaps, Spray Roses, Ranunculus, Carnations and other Seasonal Blooms.
* Note: Blooms may vary. Pictures shown are examples of style only. Pictures do not necessarily match selected budget.
$100 small sized (10" - 12" wide x 14" - 16" tall)
$150 medium sized (12" - 14" wide x 14" - 16" tall)
$200 large sized (14" - 16" wide x 14" - 16" tall)
Bouquet - bouquet does not come with a vase. If you would like a vase, choose the Signature Arrangement.
Florals are available in your choice of colour schemes below:

White & Green

Soft Pastels

Bright & Colourful

Jewel Toned